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California foreclosure law and the process associated with it can be complicated.   Mostly because the detail it typically specific to your situation.   At Keep Your Keys, we specialize in executing on strategies specific to your scenario.  And, we also know an informed consumer will always choose us.  Below are some articles that have help out customers understand the foreclosure process and how to prevent it. 
Top 10 Tips to Avoid ForeclosureThe top 10 things a homeowner should do to avoid foreclosure
Benefits of Short Sales vs ForeclosureUnderstanding the difference between a short sale and foreclosure and the benefits to doing a short sale.
FTC WarningHomeowner warnings from the FTC.  Don't fall for these scams.
Loan Modification Decline Appeals - What to do if you've been declined for a loan modification.
California Homeowner Bill of Rights - Understanding the California Homeowner Bill of Rights and how it can effect you if you're in foreclosure.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy - Explanation of the California Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy - Explanation of the California Chapter 7 Bankruptcy process
Non-Judicial Foreclosures - Understanding California's non-judicial foreclosure process
Judicial Foreclosures - Learn how a California judicial foreclosure is different than a non-judicial foreclosure 
Notice of Trustee Sale - What is a notice of trustee sale
Notice of Default - What is a notice of default
No Upfront Fees - California Law Prohibits Advance Fees for Residential Loan Modifications
Real Estate Owned (REO) - Understanding what real estate owned means
Delinquent HOA Dues - What happens when your HOA dues become delinquent

Keep Your Keys

Keep Your Keys is highly experienced in helping homeowners stop foreclosure.  With our 5 star reviews and exceptional customer service you would be hard pressed to find a better partner.   Leave your checkbook at home and contact us today for a no cost, no obligation, appointment to get started. 

Additional Questions?

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for common questions.   Or setup an no cost, no obligation appointment with one of our licensed Consultants for customized answers for your scenario.


Keep Your Keys is dedicated to helping families with their most valuable possession, their home.  Mortgage delinquencies and foreclosure filings continue at historically elevated levels in southern California cities.  This results in high levels of economic stress for mortgage servicers, investors, borrowers, and their family members. Ultimately threatening the stability of the entire neighborhood.  Our tips, articles, and plans provide responsible homeowners with real solutions to keep their homes and families in place.   Our team has help thousands of homeowners keep their homes since 2008.  With proven solutions and 5 star reviews there is no better place to find help and stop your foreclosure.

 Keep Your Keys, LLC | 1420 Kettner Blvd | San Diego, CA 92101

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