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California law requires the disclosure of licensing information in marketing materials including websites as follows:.
Disclosure of Name 10140.5.
Each advertisement or other statement which is published by a real estate broker or salesman offering to assist persons to file applications for the purchase or lease of, or to locate or enter upon, lands owned by the State or Federal Government shall, when published, indicate the name of the broker for whom it is published and state that he is licensed as a real estate broker by the State of California.
Disclosure of Licensed Status in Advertising 10140.6.
(a) A real estate licensee shall not publish, circulate, distribute, or cause to be published, circulated, or distributed in any newspaper or periodical, or by mail, any matter pertaining to any activity for which a real estate license is required that does not contain a designation disclosing that he or she is performing acts for which a real estate license is required.
(1) A real estate licensee shall disclose his or her name, license identification number and unique identifier assigned to that licensee by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry, if that licensee is a mortgage loan originator, and responsible broker's identity, as defined in Section 10159.7 , on all solicitation materials intended to be the first point of contact with consumers and on real property purchase agreements when acting as an agent in those transactions. The commissioner may adopt regulations identifying the materials in which a licensee must disclose a license identification number and unique identifier assigned to that licensee by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry, and responsible broker's identity.
(2) For purposes of this section, “solicitation materials” include business cards, stationery, advertising flyers, advertisements on television, in print, or electronic media, “for sale,” rent, lease, “open house,” and directional signs, and other materials designed to solicit the creation of a professional relationship between the licensee and a consumer.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or change the requirement described in Section 10236.4 as applicable to real estate brokers.
(c) This section shall not apply to “for sale,” rent, lease, “open house,” and directional signs that do either of the following:
(1) Display the responsible broker's identity, as defined in Section 10159.7 , without reference to an associate broker or licensee.
(2) Display no licensee identification information.
(d) “Mortgage loan originator,” “unique identifier,” and “Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry” have the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.
(e) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2018.
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